This is the set of colors i have chosen for my music magazine in terms of pallet. I have decided to use only a select few of these options i have discovered on Adobe Color software.
Red Hot Revelation is a beautiful set of reds that i would like to use in my magazine to highlight something of importance and make it stand out. Given that red is often associated with rock and happens to be my favorite color, I will take great joy in using it.
Blue flame. The name is relevant to the theme of rock in many ways. Somewhat of a burning sensation is often associated with Heavy metal, However the subtlety of blue makes it a little more comforting.
Blue sun is a pretty color pallet that perfectly blends in with black and can often even relate to the theme of having 'a cold heart'.
Crimson can relate to a great deal of themes. Blood being one of them. Rock music can be used to express emotions such as happiness, sadness, pain or even suffering. This color will be used on my front cover to further express this as a meaning.
The phoenix fire is a legendary thing.A bird of fire (linking to any heavy emotion connotation of rock as well as new songs and hits setting the world on fire with excitement) whom's legend extends beyond that stars, Though mythical it may be, It symbolizes rock in a way that demonstrates that it will always be around in the same way a Phoenix fire can never be put out.
Grey scale, The assumptions that rock is all darkness, gloom and doom is not always true. It can often celebrate happiness and other positive emotions such as love. However, Black is a color of emptiness 'oh its all gloom and doom' But have you ever thought of the positive connotations of black?
For women, It is a very slimming color. Think about that...
Red and black, Colors often shown in the rock world with negative hellish connotations. However, I choose to use this color set in both a positive and negative way. I will use it to show the empty darkness, BUT, it will show the symbolism of love. How?
The red rose. It is an object of love. A symbol of it. A symbol of romance. Its a very positive flower and beautiful to look at.
Bands such as Bullet for My Valentine shows this. How? Well they are a heavy rock/metal group but it isn't all gloom and doom. Their logo includes roses. What connotations would you use for this rose?
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